Game Releases
In Little Nightmares girl called Six is trapped in the strange world of Maw, where sick and powerful creatures reside. Previously called Hunger by Tansier studio it was changed to reflect the world of shadows and all that reminds of nightmares. Six wakes up in the world of The Maw, where she also travels. All we know about her is that she has been kidnapped. Now she needs to get out of this world as quickly as possible. There are five levels of this world that reminds of an underwater ship. She is haunted by creatures along with everything else that tries to devour or destroy her.
This puzzle game can be solved with the help of the environment. The Maw presents itself as little child’s nightmare. All elements seem to be high shown in a dim lighting. Grown ups that appear in the game are much taller and quicker than Six. She passes through places often associated with nightmares, just as other creatures are passing by as well. Six is escaping the dangers that are part of her environment of which she is captive. We can see the inhabitants in the world that slowly draws us inside its mysterious grasp.
There are many elements in Little Nightmares where we need to make our own guesses what is going on, as there are many strange elements that are not obvious. Even though we observe the action in 2D the action is in 3D.
Little Nightmares game combines puzzle and storytelling. One of its greatest appeals are the graphics. The artistic values of Little Nightmares enhance the environment of childhood fears that overpowers Six. Other elements of this game involve metaphors as well as meaning. When we pass through the rooms of Little Nightmares we become aware of the situation that Six has to deal with along with predators moving through the property. The Maw itself is distorted especially when viewed from the child’s point of view. The structures of the Maw in Little Nightmares can be used as well as built.
The only way to get out of the world of Little Nightmares is jumping through platforms. Also, environmental puzzles need to be solved. Six has to avoid confrontation with her opponents, only passing through seamlessly without drawing attention.
Little Nightmares is available on PC, PS4 and Xbox One on 28.04.2017
The post The Murky World of Little Nightmares appeared first on Game Hub Blog.